Hello and welcome to mod momME blog. This blog is intended for mod momME customers, friends, family, and fellow mommy's who want to know more about mod momME and my life as a mommy! Please be sure to visit me at www.modmomME.etsy.com to see some stylish mommy accessories. Thank you for reading!
I have every intention of getting mod momME off the ground, but lately it seems like I lack the energy to create. Right now both of my babies are in bed and I am blogging. Why am I not sewing? I am too drained to create and sew and I know that if I were sewing now I would not be giving my all. Why am I so drained?For the past few weeks I have been taking care of my 1 year old who has been ill. Right after she turned one on May 6th she got her first tooth. She was terribly fussying and she just wanted to be held. She then started running a fever that would not break. It actually got up to 104.6 and I knew there was something more to her fussiness. I took her to her pediatrician and was told she had Roseolla and 2 severe ear infections. It was so terrible that she had to get 3 days of antibiotic shots. We returned to the doctor 1 week later to find out that one ear had healed, but the other is still terribly infected. She also developed a yeast infection due to the antibiotics. I feel so bad for her, but I am so exhausted. I have had to hold her for almost 2 weeks straight now. It seems that only mommy has the nurturing touch she needs. If she is not better in 2 weeks she will need to see an ENT and get tubes in her ears. If all of that was not enough for my poor baby she may also need a pancreatic stimulation. She does not gain and maintain weight very well just like her brother. Her stool sample tests came back and there are issues with her food absorption just like her brother. We will be running the stool sample tests again in 2 weeks granted she is feeling better and is off the antibiotics. I am not a pessimist in any way, but I am pretty sure she will have to have the pancreatic stimulation because we went through the same tests and procedures with her brother. His pancreatic stimulation showed that he does not produce enough enzymes to digest and absorb food properly. He now has to take digestive enzymes with all meals and snacks. I think we are all so sick and tired of doctor appointments. It is mentally and physically draining.Any way I desperately want to regain my energy so that I can create and sew! I haven't sewed in so long and I feel like I have not completed anything even though I have. I have been taking care of all the behind the scenes items like ordering supplies, working with a designer for my logo, etsy banner, etsy avatar, business card design, blog design, and all the other research that goes along with starting an etsy business. Soon my baby girl will be feeling better; I will regain my energy; and I will start creating and sewing away!
I told myself I would not use this blog for personal use, but I think it is okay considering my business is for fellow mommy's! I love reading stories from other mommies about their kids and the crazy things they tend to do.So, how do you tame a 2 year old you ask!? The answer is quite simple and I know first hand that it works. Ok, ok I will tell you already. You simply leave a carseat in their playroom! Carseats are not fun when using them as they are intended to be used... in a car, but take the carseat out and it's surprisingly interesting. My 2 year old decided he wanted to sit in his carseat and buckle it up, but soon after accomplishing his goal he began crying "I'm stuck mommy!" Oh no he forgot that he does not know how to UNBUCKLE himself. At first I got up really quickly and went to him, but then I turned around and said to myself, "hmmm this could work... I am not the one who put him in there so I am not the bad guy... he has been a pest lately spitting, hitting, yelling, and saying "no".. he can stay in there a little while, right? Afterall he is the one who thought it looked like fun... who am I to take fun from a 2 year old?" YES! I let him out, but it was nice while it lasted. I can always count on him to make me laugh even in the midst of his oh so terrible 2 stage!
First off, I think it is important I tell you a little bit about me, my family, and why I want to start mod momME!My name is Kristen and I am a proud wife and mommy to the 2 greatest kids in the world. I met my husband Jason our junior year in high school and we have been together ever since. He propsed to me our senior year in 2003 and we tied the knot May 7th, 2005. We knew right away we wanted kids! Right after we celebrated our one year annivesary we found out we were pregnant. We actually found out the day before Mother's Day! On December 29th 2006 we welcomed our beautiful son Kameron Lucas. On August 27th (Jason's birthday) we found out we were expecting baby number 2. And on May 6th 2008 we welcomed our beautiful daughter Kallee Deanne! Life has been hectic with 2 little ones and one income. I cannot imagine having anyone else raise my children, but something needs to give. I decided to pick up sewing when looking for a birthday dress for Kallee's 1st birthday. Nothing apeased me, so I decided to give sewing a shot. I came to realize how much I love sewing and soon found myself making items for my friends and family. This was all at the time when I felt like I lacked my own identity, which I think most women tend to do when they become busy moms. I love my kids to death, but I felt like they consumed the ME that once existed! I was tired of sporting the cutesie character print accessories. I knew there must be other women out there who felt the same way. I think that providing mom's with hip baby/mommy accessories I can help boost their ego and help them "rediscover the ME in mommy!"My plan is to provide hip, quality accessories such as: bags, clutches, diaper clutches, changing pads, burp cloths, bib clips, paci clips, nursing clips, nursing covers, and sippy cup straps. Things seem a little slow getting off the ground and I had hoped to open shop already, but as a mommy of 2 this was expected. My baby girl is getting over a severe double ear infection. Any way when she feels I hope to get the ball running again. Look for me at www.modmomME.etsy.com.